
The Healing Power of Stories

The tradition of storytelling is ancient and universal, conveying experiences and emotions that transcend cultures and eras. Stories and myths often depict common experiences of trauma, using symbolic and cultural messages to con…

5 Hurtful Things Struggling Adult Children Say to Their Parents

The transition to adulthood can be challenging, especially for those dealing with financial instability, personal setbacks, or mental health issues. During these tough times, adult children might lash out at their parents, saying…

Childhood Isn't Hard, But Parenting Is Challenging

Renowned couple's therapist David Schnarch once told a worried couple who feared they got married too soon, "What makes you think you're ever ready for marriage? Marriage prepares you for marriage!"  Apply that …

Improving Family and Close Relationships Through Listening

A guide to enhancing communication and strengthening connections with loved ones. As  my daughters grow up, I find that getting them to spend time talking with me is quite a challenge. After all, short clips on YouTube and the la…

Addressing the Issue of Parental Estrangement

The generation that once feared their parents now finds themselves fearing their children. Ex perts are noting a significant rise in adult children cutting ties with their parents. A recent study found that 26% of young adults ar…

Left-Handedness and Genetics: New Scientific Insights

A recent study highlights the role of rare genetic variations in left-handedness. G lobally, most people are right-handed. On average, about 10% of people are left-handed. Despite over a century of research on the origins of left…

Exploring Your Kid's Social Media Fun Journey

In today's digital era, guiding our preteens through their online fun journey can be a complex and challenging task filled with uncertainties and concerns. As parents, we struggle with finding the balance between allowing our…

Dealing with Loss from a Child's Perspective

Coping with loss is incredibly tough, both for kids and the adults who care for them and strive to understand their emotions. There's a lot to grasp. Behind the sorrow a child feels lies a complex mix of emotions and beliefs,…

How Parents Drive Their Adult Children Crazy

"Dad, I'm not really into underground rock anymore." Some parents struggle to keep up with who their children have become. They hold onto memories of their child's past interests and preferences and try to impos…

7 Gifts Your Child Will Cherish Forever This Holiday Season

Occasion customs motivate us to think back about our own cherished recollections and urge us to pack as much enchantment as possible into these exceptional seasons with our children. While this season, specifically, appears to ac…

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