
3 Words to Win Any Argument

Arguments are a part of life, and navigating them successfully can often feel like an art. One subtle yet powerful tool in winning an argument is the phrase "part of me." When used thoughtfully, this phrase can open a s…

How Assertive Are You?

Are you assertive or more of a pushover? Effective negotiators consider both perspectives. I probably shouldn't admit this flaw in a blog post where others might read it, but this is the age of transparency, so here goes: I&#…

We Are Not Always Meant to Work Together

Collaboration doesn't come easily to everyone, and maybe that's not such a bad thing. Unfortunately, if you're overly cooperative, others might take advantage of you. Are you a cooperative person? Humans have achieved…

Believing in Yourself and Your Gut Feelings

Trusting in yourself and your instincts is crucial for improving your success. On e of the most subtle yet important emotions to embrace is your "gut feeling," also known as intuition. To some extent, believing in yours…

Maladaptive Daydreaming: When We Live in Our Minds

Retreating into one's imagination is an unhelpful way of coping. Fr om one angle, it involves an innocent imagination, with detailed visions of ideal worlds. On the other, it reflects a deep dissatisfaction with life. Some of…

Your Gut Feeling Is Real and Science Shows How to Tap Into It

Neuroscience suggests we should trust our instincts. Even the military studies it. Ever ignored a gut feeling? We all have. Sometimes the outcome is minor, but other times, like marrying someone you knew wasn’t right for you, it …

Are You Sabotaging Your Love Life?

Is your love life falling apart, and could it be your own doing? In  2021, researchers Raquel Peel and Nerina Caltabiano explored this concept by conducting interviews with therapists specializing in relationship issues and analy…

How to Work Together as a Team

Feeling supported is crucial for a sense of security and closeness in any relationship. Yo u’ve likely heard this before: In a relationship, you need to work together as a team, as partners, as parents. But what does this really …

Dying Peacefully, Living Through Laughter

How comedy is helping veterans heal the "invisible wounds" of war. "S hould I end my life or enjoy a cup of coffee?" This quote, often misattributed to the French philosopher Albert Camus, effectively captures…

2 Clear Signs That You're Experiencing Workplace Gaslighting

Gaslighting can happen in unexpected places including your workplace. Wo rkplace gaslighting involves psychological tactics that cause someone to doubt their memory, perception, or reality. This can have serious impacts on the vi…

How to Effectively Deal with Manipulative People

Ma ny of us have encountered manipulation in various forms, whether from a dominating figure at work, someone higher in social status, or even a once-admired acquaintance. Dealing with manipulative behavior can be daunting and co…

Left-Handedness and Genetics: New Scientific Insights

A recent study highlights the role of rare genetic variations in left-handedness. G lobally, most people are right-handed. On average, about 10% of people are left-handed. Despite over a century of research on the origins of left…

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