Showing posts from June, 2024

5 Hurtful Things Struggling Adult Children Say to Their Parents

The transition to adulthood can be challenging, especially for those dealing with financial instability, personal setbacks, or mental health issues. During these tough times, adult children might lash out at their parents, saying…

What People Don't Understand About Each Other

Resolving conflict in a relationship through mutual understanding. There is a common belief in our culture that similarities are good for relationships and differences are problematic. Couples often think the issues in their rela…

7 Reasons People Send Mixed Signals in Relationships

It can be frustrating and confusing when someone you're dating sends inconsistent messages. One moment, they seem very interested, and the next, they appear distant and unresponsive. They may seem committed at times but then …

We Are Not Always Meant to Work Together

Collaboration doesn't come easily to everyone, and maybe that's not such a bad thing. Unfortunately, if you're overly cooperative, others might take advantage of you. Are you a cooperative person? Humans have achieved…

Believing in Yourself and Your Gut Feelings

Trusting in yourself and your instincts is crucial for improving your success. On e of the most subtle yet important emotions to embrace is your "gut feeling," also known as intuition. To some extent, believing in yours…

Maladaptive Daydreaming: When We Live in Our Minds

Retreating into one's imagination is an unhelpful way of coping. Fr om one angle, it involves an innocent imagination, with detailed visions of ideal worlds. On the other, it reflects a deep dissatisfaction with life. Some of…

Your Gut Feeling Is Real and Science Shows How to Tap Into It

Neuroscience suggests we should trust our instincts. Even the military studies it. Ever ignored a gut feeling? We all have. Sometimes the outcome is minor, but other times, like marrying someone you knew wasn’t right for you, it …

How to End a Relationship Properly and Respectfully

It's easy to behave well at the beginning of a relationship, whether personal or professional, when everything seems perfect. The true measure of your character, however, is how you act when ending the relationship. As the sa…

3 Signs That Your "Marriage Personality" Is Strong

Can you and your partner handle life's ups and downs together? Here’s how to tell.   A   "marriage personality" refers to the shared identity that married partners develop over time. It encompasses the unique traits…

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