Showing posts from April, 2024

Tips to Preserve Your Best Memories

A recent study highlights the importance of i nactive periods for long-term memory formation. Can you recall what you did last Tuesday before breakfast? Probably not.  Memory is a valuable asset. And long-term memory is even more…

Avoid comparing yourself negatively to others

How to prevent feeling inadequate! With the upcoming Summer Olympics, take a moment to consider this question: Who will be the happiest medalist on each podium? Will it be the gold, silver, or bronze medalist? While it might seem…

When She Just Wants to Cuddle and He Wants More

How to Establish Clear Relationship Boundaries for Differing Intimacy Desires. A counseling client of mine, Rocco (alias), proudly told me he's a "sensitive guy." When I inquired further, he explained, "I try n…

Can Remote Work Lead to Feelings of Isolation?

Seven Ways to Combat Loneliness in Remote Work Environments Feelings of isolation in remote work environments often stem from the physical separation from colleagues that remote workers experience. Without the daily interactions …

10 Common Behaviors of Highly Innovative Individuals

Creativity is an exceptional blend of personal traits. Two close friends. A rainy day. Coffee at Starbucks. Engaging conversations about life, the world, and the best desserts. A query about my upcoming book on creativity: “Wha…

Genuine Gratitude: How Showing Thanks Can Heal Your Heart

Understanding the Impact of Workplace Gratitude on Heart Health What if just a few words of thanks could alleviate the leading cause of death in the US? According to research conducted by experts at the University of Konstanz and…

The Connection Between Love, Happiness, and Optimal Health

For better health, stress management, and longevity, prioritize strong relationships. Experts in mind-body medicine (MBM) have long advised that cultivating happiness, well-being, and social connections can mitigate the detriment…

Ways to Love (and Stay Attracted to) Your Partner Over Time

Maintain excitement; monotony can dull love and attraction. The initial fervor of new love can be incredibly captivating. The passion and affection can be intense: You can't get enough. However, as time passes, the initial sp…

How I Found Authentic Self-Confidence

Personal Perspective: Transforming Negative Self-Talk into Positive Self-Assurance. After enduring a challenging childhood, embracing self-love as an adult proved to be a daunting task. It seemed nearly impossible. Instead of pl…

Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Mental Health Services

Personal Perspective: AI brings efficiency, value, and balance to mental health services. The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mental health services often seems confined to administrative tasks like scheduling appointmen…

How Health Can Flourish in Challenging Circumstances

We often overlook the importance of good health until we face illness or injury. Good health is something many of us take for granted until we experience sickness or injury. Moreover, the elements contributing to good physical he…

10 Strategies for Attracting a Partner

How can some individuals attract partners more effectively than others?  It's a challenging question, but one worth exploring. While not everyone is actively seeking a partner, for those navigating the dating scene, certain q…

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